Academic and business partnerships

Partners of CMM


    The RheinAhrCampus Remagen is a branch of the University of Applied Science Koblenz with a strong expertise in medical physics and medical technology. RheinAhrCampus and CMM have signed a cooperation contract. We work together in research & development of algorithms in medical simulation, image processing and geometry handling.

    IDAC (Integrated Design and Analysis Consultants) Ireland Ltd. provides expert consultancy, software integration and implementation services to the application of engineering simulation software, including Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Multi-body Systems Simulation (MSS) and kinematics programs. IDAC and CMM work together on the field of simulation of medical devices with patient-specific geometries. We have already successfully collaborated in the EU projects GEMSS and @neurIST.
  • Applied Numerics LOGO
    Applied Numerics (Cologne) develops software for simulation based applications, exploiting state-of-the-art numerical algorithms and computational power of modern heterogeneous parallel platforms, such as multi-cores and distributed/cloud architectures. Current research focus is circuit simulation and its application in the pro-audio industry to provide superior solutions for analog modelling. Applied Numerics and CMM cooperate in generic parallel software development for scientific computing applications.