CMM offers consultancy in mathematical modelling, design of algorithms and efficient scientific and technical software. Specialties include geometric methods and software, mesh generation (meshing) and generic programming.

Solutions made to measure for technical challenges

You have complex technical applications and challenges, but you are lacking specific know-how for a particular solution path? Your problem is somewhat special and cannot be tackled with standard methods? You want to learn more about the potential of modern programming paradigms for the creation of technical, scientific or mathematical software?

I offer you mathematical modelling of your application or system, custom design of algorithms computing a solution of the problem, and their efficient, correct implementation — all-in-one or separately, just as fits your needs.

Some of my specialties are numerical-geometric software and geometry processing from (medical or other) imaging data. In addition, an experienced team of experts is ready for solving your problems. Examples of my work including references are available.

Generic programming can boost productivity when implementing software dominated by technical and mathematical methods. I am happy to train you and your team using this innovative approach. I'll help you to unleash hidden productivity potentials!

Since many years, I develop generic geometric software. Some of it is publicly available, such as the generic library GrAL (Grid Algorithms Library) or the 3D mesh generator Mesh&More.